Female Masturbation Vibrators Enhance Orgasms

Vast numbers of women find it difficult, or even impossible, to reach the ultimate sexual pleasure of satisfying orgasm.

There are many women whose clitoris – vagina systems just do not know how to have an orgasm. In the majority of such cases, female orgasm difficulties are due to insufficient training of the vagina-clitoris system to respond to stimulation with that natural reflex, that gives such pleasure.

Female Masturbation with a Vibrator trains the Clitoris-Vagina System to respond to sexual stimulation to reach Orgasm.

In most cases, all a woman needs to do, to go from non-orgasmic to orgasmic is to “teach” her clitoris and vagina areas to respond to sexual stimulation to the point of climax. The best way to train the female sex organs to climax from stimulation is masturbation.

Unfortunately, even in today’s sexually enlightened age, sometimes questions arise about female masturbation, such as “I know it is normal for men to masturbate, but is it ok for women?” The answer is that not only is masturbation normal for both sexes, but it is often essential for women who have, so far, been unable to reach orgasm .

Female Masturbation with Vibrators for Orgasm Training

female masturbationMany research studies over the last several decades have found that the most effective way of training a woman’s sexual system to respond to stimulation to the point of orgasm is to masturbate with a vibrator.

Truly remarkable results are achieved by the use of vibrators for female stimulation.

1. In January 1966, Mary Jane Sherfey, M.D., a traditionally trained psychoanalyst reported, in an article in the Journal of The American Psychoanalytic Association and later in her book The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality that:
“In clinical practice, a number of married and single women using electric vibrators have come to my attention. From the standpoint of normal physiological functioning, these women exhibit a healthy, uninhibited sexuality …… and the number of orgasms attained, a measure of the human female’s orgasmic potentiality”.

2. The very influential work of the renowned sex therapist and educator, Helen Singer Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D., also suggested the use of vibrators in the treatment of non-orgasmic females. In her book, The New Sex Therapy : Active Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction, Dr. Kaplan notes several ways in which vibrators may be used as an aid in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction. For one, she suggests a variant of combined penile insertion and vibrator assisted clitoral stimulation because:
“Some women who are highly resistant to coital orgasm are able to climax when they are stimulated with a vibrator during coitus.” (p.407)
She also suggests that for those women who have never had an orgasm (primary absolute orgasmic dysfunction), should manual masturbation not be sufficient to reach orgasm, then a vibrator is indicated.
“The vibrator provides the strongest, most intense stimulation known.” (p. 388)

For those of you who are not yet orgasmic, masturbating with vibrators can effectively help you overcome the orgasm barrier and bring you sexual satisfaction.

For women who are already orgasmic, vibrators can take you to new and greater heights of intense sexual climax and explosive female multiple orgasms.

The vibrator, when used for female stimulation, can indeed be an aid for greater sexual pleasure and fulfillment. And, vibrators can add to the sexual pleasure of both women and men, with a little innovative imagination.

Recommended Female Masturbation Vibrators

These days there is a vast variety of vibrators available to choose from. For our recommended selection, please go to our online Sex Toys Warehouse, click Best Sellers” on top of the page and then search “Vibrators” from the drop-down list of “Categories”.

Magic Wand Personal Vibrator

For women starting with a vibrator for the first time, we recommend the Magic Wand (earlier known as Hitachi Magic Wand) which has set the standard for personal hand-held massagers for over 30 years. However, the actual selection is finally a matter of personal choice.

Many women today choose to keep more than one type of vibrator, for use in different situations…see female masturbation vibrators

Vaginal Lubrication

Quite often, some women are troubled by vaginal dryness. This may be caused by insufficient sexual arousal, or there may be other factors involved.

In such situations, the use of a sexual stimulant cream, together with the vibrator, will be highly effective in enhancing stimulation and intensifying orgasm. Even when vaginal lubrication is adequate, Vigorelle female sexual enhancement cream will enhance the effect of the vibrator, both while masturbating and in two-partner sex acts.

The sexual thrill of the combined effect will be truly fulfilling and satisfying.

Women, attain sexual fulfillment and satisfaction with vibrators for female masturbation.